Tặng quà Tết đã trở thành nét đẹp trong văn hóa truyền thống của người Việt. Món quà Tết thay lời cảm ơn và những lời chúc tốt đẹp tới người nhận nên món quà Tết không chỉ đòi hỏi về mặt…

Tặng quà Tết đã trở thành nét đẹp trong văn hóa truyền thống của người Việt. Món quà Tết thay lời cảm ơn và những lời chúc tốt đẹp tới người nhận nên món quà Tết không chỉ đòi hỏi về mặt…
Mental wellness alludes to intellectual, social, and enthusiastic prosperity. It is about how individuals think, feel, and carry on. Individuals utilize the expression “emotional well-being” to mean the non-attendance of a psychological issue. Different conditions affect mental health such as depression, anxiety,…
By Angela Noel A woman with a cloud of yellow-tinted hair compared my face to a series of shapes and declared it too round to be the coveted oval of beautiful people. I was eight years old. Why this lady, grandmotherly in…
Trust us when we tell you it was out of our control. Send firmly away the instinct to second guess. That instinct is a lie. You may have other struggles, but you don’t know this vulnerability. You’ll never understand this fear. It’s not…
Content Warning: sexual harassment and assault Image capture by RetyiRetyi. Sex is fun. I’m always in a good mood afterwards. It’s good exercise. It helps my insomnia, sometimes. So, yeah, I’m a fan. “Who isn’t?” you might ask. Well, past me, actually….
Mother Dick, you are a douche. Start using yourself like the tool you are. Start by draping yourself with bath blankets and water proof pads. I hear Egyptian cotton is amazing, make sure you grab those. Next insert your middle finger into…
We aren’t very respectful to women, us men. I’ve sat for almost two years inside the heart of a raw group of women writers and I’ve learned, deeply, that all they want is for us to listen to them. I read their…
Our first commandment is this: THOU SHALT NOT LET ANYONE COMMAND YOU TO DO BULLSHT THAT MAKES YOU MISERABLE. Unless it’s your parents, we’ll keep that one—go ahead and honor your parents because you will just feel better if you do. You’ll…
“These days it’s all about the Fearless Girl, that adorable little figure secretly installed in lower Manhattan by an investment firm to celebrate (and advertise) its “Gender Diversity Index” fund. The 250-pound bronze statue by artist Kristen Visbal, stands head held high,…
Youse all know about Love Languages, right? According to Wikipedia, The Five Love Languages is a book by Gary Chapman, outlining the five universal ways that people give and receive love in romantic relationships. According to Oprah Winfrey’s wardrobe stylist, The Five Love Languages will change…